All the tutors we work with are highly experienced teachers.
They have all taught successfully for many years in schools and colleges and are therefore thoroughly familiar with the demands of modern examination specifications.
- "The Wisdom and experience of older people is a resource of inestimable worth"
- Daisaku Ikeda
Most tutors can offer more than one science subject at GCSE. At A Level, tutors usually offer just one specialist subject.All tutors work to emphasise the links between the subjects.
- "The important thing is never to stop questioning"
- Albert Einstein
Many of the tutors we work with are text book authors, examiners or both.The depth and variety of their skill and experience enables tutors to bring unique insight to the tutoring process.
- "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less"
- Marie Curie
Goldhill Education has corporate membership of the TTA. The Tutors' Association (TTA) is the only professional membership body for tutoring and the wider supplementary education sector in the UK and is recognised as such by the UK Government. All members of the TTA are required to undergo DBS checks and subscribe to a Code of Practice for Tutors and Tutoring Companies.
- "Becoming a member of The Tutors' Association signifies a commitment to the profession, and to upholding the highest standards of safeguarding, professional practice and ethical behaviour"
- TTA President